Saturday, July 24

Saturday Photo Hunter- Hanging

My rabbit hanging on the couch on a very very hot day

Saturday, July 17

Friday, July 16

Offbeat News


Saturday Photo Hunter- Triangle

Monday, July 5

Its noon and the temperature is already 100! Please remember your animals during this god awful weather. Not even for a moment should an animal be left in a car!! This weather is no joke.
I have a little bunny and yesterday he was overheated and it really scared me! We lost power for like 5 or 6 hours..Not a good day for no A/C! I took him downstairs to the basement to cool him down. touch and go for a little while. I have him inside again now and will prolly set up his small emergency cage in the basement for the day. Its just tooo hot for him to survive outside!!!

What do you do when the weather is so bad? Leave me a comment!